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Autumn, the magical season of letting go

Autumn is a magical season. Nature changes color, the days become shorter and there is a crisp chill in the air. But autumn means more than just falling leaves and rainy days. It’s also a time for reflection, letting go and rediscovering balance. Just as nature closes its cycle and prepares for winter, we can seize this transition to renew our own energy.


Letting go: a natural process

In autumn, you see trees losing their leaves. This natural process symbolizes letting go of what is no longer needed. It can inspire us to look at our own lives and see what we can release. What habits, thoughts or worries are we carrying that drain our energy without truly serving us?


Letting go is often difficult. We are attached to routines, relationships and even worries. But autumn reminds us that it is an essential part of the life cycle. By letting go, we make space for new energy and growth. Consider using this time to examine old patterns or beliefs and consciously choose a fresh start.


A powerful way to integrate letting go into your autumn ritual is through journaling. Ask yourself questions like:

- What holds me back from fully living in the moment? 

- What fears or worries do I want to release? 

- What do I want to invite into my life instead?

By putting your thoughts on paper, you give yourself the space to consciously let go and heal.


Selfcare and coziness

Autumn is also a time of warmth and coziness. While the outside world grows colder and quieter, this season invites us to turn inward, both physically and emotionally. Think of cozy evenings on the couch with a warm blanket, fragrant candles and a cup of herbal tea.


During this time, it’s important to take good care of yourself. Self-care means not only nourishing your body but also your mind and soul. This season offers the perfect opportunity to slow down and surround yourself with comfort.


Simple ways to incorporate wellness and coziness into your autumn routine:


- Autumn walks: Take time for a walk in nature. The fresh air and the crunch of leaves underfoot can have a healing effect on your mind. 

- Healthy autumn food: Enjoy seasonal foods like pumpkin, sweet potatoes and cinnamon. These ingredients provide not only warmth and comfort but are also packed with nutrients to boost your immune system. 

- Warm baths: Add lavender or eucalyptus oil to your bathwater for extra relaxation. This helps release tension and brings calm to your mind. 

- Mindfulness and meditation: use the calmness of autumn to live more consciously. Plan quiet moments to organize your thoughts and focus on the here and now. Mindfulness helps you let go of life’s chaos and enjoy small, daily moments.

Following rhythm of nature

Autumn invites us to follow nature’s rhythm: slow down, reflect and release what is no longer needed. It is a season of transition where you can take the time to care for yourself. Just as nature prepares for a period of rest, we can use this time to regain balance.


Autumn also brings an invitation for connection. This is the time of year when we often feel more drawn to coziness with friends and family. Sharing a warm meal, crafting together, or simply enjoying an evening of good conversation—these are the moments that nourish and strengthen us.

Embrace the change

Rather than seeing autumn as the end of something, we can embrace it as a new beginning. By letting go of what no longer fits us and creating moments of coziness and selfcare, we give ourselves the space to live in harmony with the natural rhythms of the season.


This season is an invitation to become familiar with change—embrace it! Just as trees lose their leaves, we too can learn to let go of what no longer serves us, making room for growth and renewal.