Wellness for Body, Mind & Soul
The weather this summer may not be very motivating to work on that killer summer body, but don't forget your body, mind, and soul. The number on the scale doesn't mean much. What really matters: how good do you feel in your own skin? Do you experience mental peace? Are you happy? Do you enjoy every day?
Feel good routine
It's not always easy to face the day; we feel you! If you feel overwhelmed, a structured routine can help reduce stress and improve your well-being. Use these practical tips to streamline your daily life. Step by step, for yourself. Start with one thing and implement it gradually at your own pace in a way that feels good.
Small Change = Big Impact
No screens in the morning
You've probably heard this often, but secretly you may not be convinced of its impact on your mood. When you immediately grab your smartphone after waking up and your brain gets an instant dopamine fix, your brain will crave it all day. Skip social media for the first few minutes (or hours) as research shows they often have a negative impact on your self-image. No need for that. You are amazing! Choose direct contact with daylight (preferably on your natural skin, without makeup).
Avoid caffeine as your first consumption
Opt for caffeine-free herbal tea or warm lemon water instead of coffee. Some experts advise against caffeine in the morning because of its interaction with the natural production of cortisol. Cortisol, the "stress hormone," plays a significant role in your circadian rhythm (your internal biological clock). Your cortisol levels naturally peak in the early morning, helping you wake up. Consuming caffeine during this peak (usually between 8 and 9 a.m.) can disrupt this natural rise in cortisol, which can lead to increased tolerance to caffeine. This means you'll need more caffeine to achieve the same effect, making you more dependent on caffeine.
Mindful breakfast
By taking the time for a nutritious breakfast, you improve nutrient absorption, prevent overeating, and stabilize your blood sugar levels, leading to a more energetic and productive day. It also reduces stress and promotes making healthy choices.
Daily walk and regular movement breaks
Don't underestimate the power of walking. Daily walks and regular movement breaks are important not only for your body but also for your mood! A brisk walk can reduce your stress, refresh your mind, and improve your concentration. So, don't forget to take that break now and then and get some fresh air—you'll feel better for it.
No screens in the evening
Did you know that blue light from screens stimulates your brain and makes it harder to fall asleep? To improve your sleep quality, it is recommended to avoid screens at least one hour before bedtime.
Do Something You Dislike Every Day
The idea of "doing something you dislike every day" goes hand in hand with building discipline and self-respect. It's all about striving for personal growth and stepping out of your comfort zone. Sometimes it can be tempting to procrastinate or avoid tasks that are difficult or uncomfortable. But by doing something you don't enjoy every day, these efforts will help you become stronger, more resilient, and more confident.
Do Something Energizing Every Day
Sometimes you can get so caught up in the daily grind that you forget to make time for things that truly make you happy. By consciously choosing activities that energize you, you invest in your own well-being.
Wellness is the Answer
To experience the positive effects of wellness, we recommend scheduling a Waer Waters moment at least once a week. Our resort seems to be the only place where you can blissfully be unreachable, without notifications or alerts. Treat yourself to that mini-vacation for body and mind.