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Sustainability in wellness: how Waer Waters leads the way in eco-friendly practices

At Waer Waters, sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. As a leading wellness center, we are committed to minimizing our environmental impact and contributing to corporate social responsibility. Jonathan Fronhoffs, our sustainability expert, shares his insights into our sustainable initiatives and the steps we are taking to reduce our ecological footprint.

What does sustainability in wellness mean?

Firstly, it's essential for us to understand what sustainability in wellness truly entails. It means minimizing the negative impact of wellness centers and saunas on the environment. This includes using energy-efficient equipment, water-saving techniques, and eco-friendly materials.


According to Jonathan, the goal is to limit human impact on the environment. Humans have a significant impact on their surroundings, so Jonathan and his team focus on minimizing water usage, optimizing new installations, and implementing sustainable practices.

Sustainable initiatives

Measure to know

So, what specific initiatives are we implementing at Waer Waters? Our mantra is "measure to know." That's why we have implemented an advanced monitoring system that tracks all consumption in detail. This allows us to closely monitor our performance and make adjustments as needed.


We have also invested in a cutting-edge ground-source heat pump for our nudist zone, which will reduce CO2 emissions by up to 180 tons annually. Additionally, we have recently upgraded our heating and ventilation systems, aiming for a 20% energy saving within the next year.


In terms of waste management, we are exploring how to compost kitchen waste to produce biogas, which can then be used to generate heat and electricity. The remaining fertilizer can be used locally by farmers.


Furthermore, we make extensive use of rainwater and purify a portion of our water for reuse. This brings us to our latest innovation, the UF-RO system (ultrafiltration-reverse osmosis), which treats and reuses wastewater from the pools.

Trends in sustainability

What are the current trends in sustainability? Jonathan explains that the circular economy is becoming increasingly prominent. The impact of raw material extraction on the environment is significant, but by reusing materials more extensively, we can drastically reduce that impact. Our UF-RO system is a prime example of circular water use. When designing new buildings and facilities, we focus on modular constructions so that base materials can be reused in other projects during renovations.

Long-term goals and challenges

Our long-term goal is to reduce our gas consumption and achieve fully sustainable operations. The biggest challenge is the age of our installations and the limited space available for adjustments. Nevertheless, we remain determined to overcome these obstacles and reach our sustainability goals.


At Waer Waters, we strive to be a pioneer in sustainable wellness. Through continuous improvement and innovation, we aim not only to reduce our own ecological footprint but also to inspire our clients and the broader community. Together, we are working towards a sustainable future that benefits everyone.