Self-care: put yourself first
These days, we're always on the go, striving for goals and planning for the future. When caring for others, we often forget to care for ourselves. Why don't we allow ourselves the time, love and attention that we give to others? Thinking we're unstoppable is the biggest lie we can tell ourselves. It's so incredibly important to give yourself some me-time. A good dose of me-time gives you an energy boost and makes you feel happier. Treat yourself as you would treat someone you love.
8 #selfcare tips:
#SELFCARE TIP 1: Snoozing is so last century.
Get your day off to a flying start instead. Are you the type of person who repeatedly hits the snooze button? It's totally worth it, right? OK, sleep is important, we'll give you that. But your body and mind will always want to sleep for longer. When you press snooze, you fall back into a shallow sleep state, but maybe that's not actually what you need. Trade snoozing for a better ritual: spending quality time with your family, doing yoga, reading the newspaper or drinking a delicious cappuccino. Did you know that Waer Waters is open from 10am onwards on Fridays to Sundays? Another reason to get up early!
#SELFCARE TIP 2: Book a massage
Treat yourself to a good massage. During a massage, the tension in your body is literally massaged away. You experience a state of deep relaxation and feel your body coming back into balance due to the release of happy hormones. Say goodbye to stress, because after a massage, you'll feel reborn. Combine a wellness visit with a massage. Our Feel package combines the best of both worlds.
#SELFCARE TIP 3: Move it!
Sometimes it can feel like we're glued to our desk chairs. A trip to the toilet or the break room are pretty much the only workouts we get. 30 minutes of exercise per day is totally doable and gives you so much energy. Exercise is also great for clearing your head and boosts your general health. So, find your motivation or look for a fitness buddy who can stop you from being a couch potato after work. Why not have a personalised workout plan made? Our fitness coaches will become your biggest supporters in helping you achieve your goals. Discover our workouts.
#SELFCARE TIP 4: Plan a digital detox day.
The combination of work, family and private life is tricky to balance without neglecting ourselves. Since we're all so attached to our beloved screens, it can be very tempting to give an instant reply to a colleague, have a quick look at your massive to-do list or anxiously spring into action every time your stressphone...uh, we mean smartphone, makes a noise. If only there was an off button. Where can you find that kind of peace and silence these days? Luckily, we have a solution for you at Waer Waters. Here, smartphones and other screens are banned, yet we promise you, the connection you'll find here will be stronger than any you have via a device. Waer Waters is the best excuse to disconnect.
#SELFCARE TIP 5: A break from hashtags
The pictures shared by influencers on Instagram and lifestyle websites would have you believe that self-care can be bought. But nothing could be further from the truth, because self-care is often not very photogenic. Often it means saying ‘no’ to a night out with friends because you're too exhausted. Sometimes it means making more time to discover what you really want and need in life. Self-care is therefore not always photogenic or instagrammable. So, don't see self-care as another thing on your to-do list, and resist the temptation to share your self-care moments on social media.
#SELFCARE TIP 6: Sign up for a yoga class
Various studies show that yoga is great for your health. Yoga reduces pain, regulates your breathing, improves your sleep and reduces your stress levels. Are you a yoga newcomer who gets a confused look at the mention of a ‘sun salutation’ or 'downward facing dog’? Try our ‘Get into Yoga’ course, an accessible yoga course for beginners, and discover the health benefits for yourself.
#SELFCARE TIP 7: Book a day of wellness
During a visit to a wellness centre, your blood pressure lowers, your immunity increases, toxins are eliminated, and you leave feeling at peace. Experience the ultimate feeling of relaxation after an Aufguss session with gorgeous smelling herbs. We can go on and on about the benefits, but really need to experience them for yourself. Experience the height of wellness with gorgeous smelling herbs during our Herbal Cup theme weekend on 19 and 20 October.
#SELFCARE TIP 8: Give yourself a good night's rest
With a lengthy to-do list, it can be tempting to work into the night and scrimp on sleep. But your mind and body need sleep to recover. Did you know that a visit to a sauna or hammam makes it easier for you to fall asleep? Your body may be working hard, but your mind will be totally at peace. This combination can make you sleepy and you'll find that it's easier to fall asleep at night. Read our blog post about the miraculous effects of the hammam.
Be warned! Self-care is not a quick fix and stress cannot be cured with one day of recovery, especially if you continue to push yourself after that. It's important to give yourself regular me-time and to take care of your mind, body and soul. Do the things that really make you happy and surround yourself with people that give you energy.
Recharge your batteries, heal your body and mind and you'll be able to take on anything that life throws at you. Plan a restorative day of pampering.
Take care of yourself
Remind yourself of how important it is to take care of yourself.