Why exercising together is more fun!
Persuading yourself to exercise can sometimes be a challenge in itself. That's why it's a good idea to look for a fitness buddy to drag you off the sofa and help you reach your fitness goals. Exercising with a friend is not only more fun, but also more motivating.
Here's why:
Hello, extra motivation!
Can't be bothered, too tired, I have other plans... Do these excuses sound familiar? Getting a fitness buddy is the ideal way to end your procrastination. After all, you don't want to be the one who calls to cancel every time, do you? No, that's not an option. Tip: create a group chat. If you see that your friends are exercising, you'll want to keep up. Together, you'll train more regularly, exercise for longer and reach your goals more quickly.
Time flies...
These days, everyone has a packed schedule and it's difficult to make time for one another. When exercising, you finally have the time to chat with each other. Exercising can not only improve your health, but also your social life. It's a win-win situation.
Happy hormones
When you exercise together, you generate more endorphins. This happy hormone makes you feel positive. It also improves your performance and leaves you with less muscle aches. The increased endorphin levels even have a painkilling effect.
Companionship is key
Exercising together is, of course, not just about achieving a better performance. Your fitness buddy can also act as a comrade in arms. Together, you'll have more fun. If your workout isn't going as planned, or you've reached your limit and are sweating like a pig, there's no need to despair. Your fitness buddy can lighten the mood and you can laugh your exhaustion away. This helps you to put everything into perspective and gives you the motivation to keep going.
Competitive spirit
A little competition and peer pressure can bring out the best in you. You'll try your hardest, which means your results will improve tremendously, and you'll reach your goals more easily. Keep it fun, challenge each other and push your boundaries together. Make a friendly competition out of it (who can do the most sit-ups?). Without realising it, you'll try harder and you'll elevate your fitness level and friendship to new heights.
A new kind of relationship therapy
Exercising can make your relationship stronger. You'll spend more time with each other and strive for the same goals. Exercising is also good for your libido. It produces the same kind of hormones and physical symptoms as when you're sexually aroused. Exercising together can also strengthen your bond.
Have you been struggling to find the motivation to put on a pair of sneakers, either because you don't enjoy exercising or because you find it hard to be consistent? Here’s the solution to your problem: all you need to do is find a good fitness buddy.
Who is going to be your fitness buddy?
Get together and give it your all during one of our group lessons. Group lessons are fun, because you have other people to support you.
With your fitness buddies, the motivating voice of the coach and the perfect music, you'll reach your goals in no time. Whether you're looking for inner peace and harmony, or a burst of adrenaline, relaxing music or tunes to get you pumped up, you'll find the perfect activity for you.